Riso Scotti – It is a group of companies, headquartered in Italy, operating in the food industry and a leader in the production and distribution of rice.

The implementation project covered the following areas: finance and accounting, procurement, sales, inventory management, fixed assets, and production, and targeted the following companies within the group:

Riso Scotti Danubio – the company processes, packages, and sells rice and rice-based products. With the implementation of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution, the company has accurate tracking of production costs and easy management of quantitative and value stocks.The distribution department acknowledges the ease of managing sales orders, the ease of process management for sales agents, and the possibility of detailed analysis regarding the profit margin.

Risi Romuno –  the company specializes in the cultivation, harvesting, and storage of cereals (rice, wheat, rye, etc.).

The system implementation has brought significant improvements in tracking work in progress and inventory management. Additionally, there has been an improvement in financial reporting.

Enal Romania – the company manufactures rice and wheat-based derivative products. Similar to the implementation at Risi Milling, tracking the costs associated with the production process and the ability to allocate part of the indirect costs to the finished product have brought significant benefits to the company.



RISI – a real estate company that deals with the buying and selling of agricultural land. The system implementation has facilitated the quick inventory of owned lands with rapid access to the associated contracts and pre-contracts.

R.I.C.E. Danubio Project – a company specialized in providing services, especially to the companies within the group. The benefits of the implementation targeted tracking expenses by cost centers, easy management of the provided services, and their billing.
